
Develop and control your web sites in the cloud at the cheapest feasible price

Host your content–loaded web sites in the cloud at an exceptional price. Our custom–developed shared hosting platform offers you a good amount of web hosting resources and also distributes the server load among a few physical machines, so you will never ever confront slow website loading speeds or outages. With unlimited disk space and traffic allocations, you won’t have to worry about your sites. Every single cloud hosting plan offers a point & click Website Control Panel to help you effortlessly use the available hosting resources, as well as an unconditional 30–day money–back guarantee so that you can get your money back if you are not pleased for any reason whatsoever.


Service Scalability

A cloud web hosting service that can answer your needs

Our shared hosting platform is fully scalable, which means that you can take full advantage of the available resources even if the web hosting server is under maintenance or stress. Because all vital services are taken care of by several physical machines rather than just one, you’ll also enjoy extremely fast website load speeds and a guaranteed performance stability. What’s even more, you’ll be able to further improve your hosting pack with additional disk drive space, traffic, MySQL database storage space, CPU usage, etc. quotas, or even migrate to a more powerful hosting package whenever you want.

Service Scalability

Faster Performance

Our new cloud hosting platform guarantees a significantly faster performance for your websites.

Bandwidth was increased to 10 Gbit/s for the sake of much better connectivity and light speed web site loading speeds. Spare servers have been added in order to ease routine maintenance tasks and to decrease service disturbances and downtimes. User accounts have been transferred to SSDs, which are significantly faster and more dependable compared to the typical hard drives.

Faster Performance

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At HITECH, we are proud of employing an actual shared hosting platform – each service is run on a different web hosting hosting server, which means that all your sites will invariably open fast even if the system is overloaded. This cloud hosting platform was entirely developed by us with stability and scalability in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our bundles is configured for you totally free. 30–day money–back. 99.9% service uptime. 30–min response time.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a quick look at the quotas and capabilities offered by our hosting bundles. You could begin with a smaller package and upgrade with a click of the mouse when your web presence evolves.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • You’re able to get in contact with us while in business hours over the phone for just about any pre–sale information.